Pancreatic Enzyme (Creon) Supply Issues
Find out what to do if you are having difficulty obtaining pancreatic enzymes (Creon) on prescription
Take a look at our Online Support Group for people living with CF
We are really excited to be able to continue to offer our patients the opportunity to take part in CF specific online support group sessions. These sessions will take place on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7pm with additional drop in sessions on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 1pm and 7pm. These sessions are externally facilitated by Claire Nash, a local psychotherapist who has been running these groups for the last 9 months.
Big Thank You!
Big thanks to our cake sale and quiz organisers
Updated guidance for use of carbomer lubricating eye gels
The UKHSA has formally stepped down its recommendation that people with CF avoid using carbomer eye gels
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