
Research trials we are currently recruiting to and other research opportunities

Research opportunities can be discovered via the CTAP Trials Tracker. Here are a few of the studies we are recruiting to:

The More Life with CF Study now recruiting ........

We are now recruiting to this study which aims to understand the eating and physical activity habits of adults living with cystic fibrosis on CFTR modulator therapy. This will inform the design of a weight management programme for people with CF. The program will be designed by people with CF and CF health care professionals.

If you would like to find out more or are interested in taking part, please contact Jo Barrett, CF Dietitian by phone or text on 07867 143787 or email

Patient and Public Involvement Opportunity

Jane and Carly are Lead Partners for the More Life with CF Research Study

As lead partners, Jane and Carly have lived experience of cystic fibrosis. They are working closely with the lead researcher (Jo Barrett) in planning and co-ordinating all patient and public involvement activities for this research study. This includes planning our patient advisory group meetings, CF community involvement, and leading our patient advisory group. The More Life with CF Patient Advisory Group make shared decisions with the research team and provide feedback on how the research is carried out and communicated to the CF community.

Read about Jane and Carly's journey living with cystic fibrosis and why they decided to become Lead Partners for this study

Fancy a chat with Carly and Jane? They will be holding an informal lunchtime chat with others who have CF, a chance to swap stories on Thursday 23rd January at 12:30pm. Here's the link to join.

If you have cystic fibrosis or care for someone who has cystic fibrosis and would like to join our patient advisory group, please email Jo Barrett CF Dietitian and researcher - or text 07867 143787  for more information.


This study aims to investigate the effects of a 12-week online yoga programme for adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) compared to your usual CF care. The study will assess effects on health-related quality of life, alongside assessing effects on pain, aspects of mental health, lung function and physical function.


A study to explore 'cluster' of gut symptoms in CF to see if they have common causes. You can take part via the Trialmotif app, find out more here.

If you are interested in participating in either of these studies or have any questions about clinical research, please get in touch with our CTAP coordinator or speak to a member of the CF Team

Online Pain Survey Study

This research study aims to explore the occurrence, severity and various types of pain experienced by adults living with cystic fibrosis in England. Find out more and how you can particpate here