Organ Donation Week 20-26th September

9th September 2021

This year's Organ Donation Week, planned by NHS Blood & Transplant, flies under the campaign banner 'Leave Them Certain', to encourage people to talk to their loved ones about organ donation and their wishes and highlighting that loved ones are always involved before organ donation goes ahead. Read our patient transplant stories

21st July 2014 is a date etched in my mind when my 13 month wait on the transplant list, merely existing with badly deteriorated lungs came to a happy end, thanks to the kind-hearted gift of a stranger who had presumably 'had the talk' with her family of her organ donation wishes and crucially her family had stood by her wishes. My transplant took place that day, late morning, during a period of sweltering weather, typical of those days in summer that even those without CF struggle to get around in.

Fast forward 7 years from transplant and I've been able to continue working part-time, get back to walking, cycling, some wildlife photography and painting (art, not DIY) in my spare time and 'do my bit' around the house and spend quality time with my wife.  The transplant is not a cure, but another 'treatment' and it still requires a lot of effort to keep on top of medications and hospital appointment, though not quite so many appointments and far less nebulising time in the mornings and evenings (i.e. just to nebulise Colymycin).  It hasn't always been a smooth journey since transplant, but I'm mindful that I've been more fortunate than some (sadly) and strive to make the best use of time ahead.

You can read more about Dom's transplant journey here and also Katy's transplant story here.

Here are a selection of Katy's pictures  that illustrate her life post transplant.

Organ Donation week is 20-26th September.