The classes will be exclusively for patients who attend our centre. There will be a variety of exercise classes running each week, please check BEAM weekly to see when they are running as this can change from week to week. Classes include Boxercise, Spin, and Body Conditioning. In the future these will also be available ‘on demand’.
Coming soon - we hope to compliment our exercise classes with educational videos and Q&A sessions to cover all aspects of CF care.

If you are a patient at the West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre, this service is free to access and has been funded by our Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre Charity. In order to access the service for free, you will need to create an account at and join the West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre group. Download our ‘How to join’ guide which will instruct you on this process.